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What is alphabet donation ?

Dear Neighbor.

~ The Letter ~


                                                                                                      Team Alphabet donation project

The Alphabet donation project was started by a mother with a child with a heart condition who wanted to make the world a better place for children with disabilities to live in the future.


Her creative ideas were coordinated and launched with the help of a world-renowned urban development producer.

out of thin air


The technology that began as a blockchain "distributed ledger/autonomous decentralized system" with complete transparency and absolute trustworthiness through a de-centralized mechanism of shared co-operation with no human intervention or discretion.


Crypto Currency

ICO-Initial Coin Offering

DeFi (Decentralized Finance)


and created a variety of financial categories such as


Within a few years of the publication of the paper by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, for the first time in human history, funds can be instantly transferred around the world between individuals without involving countries or banks, creating a huge market with a market capitalization exceeding $3 trillion (340 trillion yen) by 2021.


In just over a decade since the birth of blockchain, it has revolutionized the world of global finance.


Furthermore, in recent years

The birth of NFT, a technology that can provide unique proof of identity, is about to bring about a revolution in fields other than finance, such as art and certifications.


And in the near future

In the near future, we will soon see an era in which will, study, and even thought transcend the concept of "country" and are "shared, confirmed, and developed" in a global metaverse.

The era of "sharing, confirming, and developing" will soon be upon us.


The great transformation of human society began with a single paper posted on the Internet by a man by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, and there were no great geniuses or industrialists like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, no great powers like countries or large corporations.


It all started with the Internet, which made it possible to share human intentions and thoughts with the rest of the world, proving that thoughts can become reality in a new way even today, when it is said that we have matured.


We would like to build a platform not only for finance but also for social contribution by making full use of technology that can change the world from a place where there is nothing, to build a society where people do not have to worry about clothing, food, and shelter, which are the minimum requirements for human life, by using AI, robots, and the latest technology instead of losing jobs to AI and robots, and to create a creative and rich society that only humans can create.


And it is not only the development of blockchain, but also the simultaneous occurrence of phenomena that are impossible in the history of mankind in the 2020's for a major transformation of society. caused by coronal pandemics


① Consciousness

Until now, man has always been the enemy of man, and for this reason people have strived to solve conflicts by themselves, their own companies, and the power of their own countries. In modern society, however, we have encountered a non-human enemy in the form of a virus or disease, and for the first time in human history, the people of the world have come together to solve a single problem.

②  Skills

The coronary pandemic that has become a worldwide problem has forced people to live in isolation, and the need to work remotely has given people the skills, such as ZOOM, to live socially without actually meeting in person, making it more efficient and giving them more time for themselves.

③ Shared

 The world's countries, which had different priorities in terms of issues such as environmental protection as a major issue in developed countries and poverty and conflict in developing countries, have now come to focus on the same issues by facing the same disease crisis and the same economic crisis caused by the same disease.

The world's countries have now become aware of the same disease crisis, and have begun to unify and share information and awareness of the issues

 2.The phenomenon of the rise in momentum for solving humanity's social problems due to

      the SDGs.


            Adopted unanimously by member states at the September 2015 UN Summit the "International Goals                  for a Sustainable and Better World by 2030."and set a timeframe of

            [17 goals.]

            [Consists of 169 targets.]

            [The "leave no one behind" pledge.]

             The world's attention has been focused on the concrete solution to the problem of the coronal           

             pandemic and the postponement of the Olympics, and there is a growing momentum to implement

             the plan.


We believe that humanity is now at a crossroads where we can use the wisdom of technology, such as invention and technology, not as a tool to win and take away wars and corporate struggles, but as a tool to enable all of humanity to live prosperous lives.


It is not only the development of technology, but also the forces of nature and changes in human consciousness that are pushing us to experience, for the first time in human history, a "God-inspired" moment. It is a timing that makes us wonder if we are being guided by God.


The alphabet donation is a project that will enable us to make a significant progress toward the SDGs by signing and spreading the word "alphabet," which was invented 4,000 years ago, to the world.


However, this activity requires the participation of as many people as possible around the world.

All participants need to become not only members but also ambassadors.


So now we need someone who can be a parent to create those ambassadors.


We need the cooperation of people with a strong sense of contribution and social influence who are concerned about and want to improve the global environment, both human and natural, and more importantly, all of us.


Please refer to the attached sheet for the specifics of alphabet donation.


We look forward to working with you in the hope that you will understand and sympathize with our activities.


Thank you for reading this long article.


Thank you for your cooperation.


                                                                                      Team Alphabet donation project





  glossary of terms


*Blockchain => "a mechanism that allows correct transactions even if some participants are dishonest or do not operate properly, is extremely difficult to tamper with, does not stop, and allows the same data to be held by many participants in a distributed manner.

Even service providers cannot alter or erase recorded data, nor can participants erase their own transaction history. How it Works 


*NFT => Acronym for "Non-Fungible Token", which means "non-substitutional token" in Japanese. 

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